Delivery of report in laboratory

Delivery of report in laboratory

  1. All result before they leave the laboratory must be checked by the most experienced member of the laboratory technical staff.
  2. Any expected result should be investigated and repeated if necessary.
  3. It is important for laboratory workers to  understand the clinical significance and accepted reference value/ normal range of the test.
  4. A  clinically serious abnormal result should be brought to the attention of the medical officer concerned as soon as possible.
  5. When a result is phoned it is advisable to request the person receiving the report to back the name of the patient and ID no. test results.
A written report should be followed as soon as possible.
  1. There should be an organized system for the delivery of reports towards clinics and from referral laboratory to the peripheral hospital and community health centers.


Reporting laboratory tests and keeping records:

Standardization in the reporting of laboratory tests contributes to the efficiency of a laboratory service and is of great value when patients are referred from one hospital be another hospital.
Whenever possible request forms and other laboratory printed stationery should be prepared and issued by a central stationery office.
Use of rubber stamps:    When stationery is not supplied from a central source standardization in presenting and reporting results can be achieved by the use of rubber stamps.

Keeping records in the laboratory :

A record of all test results must be kept by the laboratory as carbon copies work sheets or in exercise books. Records tests are also required when preparing yearly work reports and estimating the work load of the laboratory .
If carbon copies or work sheets are used these must be dated and filled systematically each day.

When resource are limited an inexpensive reliable way of recording laboratory results on small stamped forms and attach these to sheet of paper reserved for the result.

Cross infection:

Cross infection is  a form of hospital infection from staff, colleagues and also from patient.

Source of Cross infection:

  1. From environment, e.g.→ Air borne fomite.
  2. From colleagues and other r staff who are carriage for nose infection or pherinal infection
  3. From the patient: wound infection infected urine and stool.
  4. From contaminated instruments.

Causative organism of Cross infection:

  1. Gram negative bacilli: salmonella, shigella , proteus, Bordetella , most affected .
  2. Staphylococcus aurous.
Types of infection : Conjunctivitis.
                      Wound infection
                      Pulmonary infection

Prevention :

  1. Isolation of the infected person or causative source.
  2. Ventilation.
  3. Careful handling of infected specimens.
  4. Staff and colleagues should be free from any disease.