Diagnosis & Assessment of Hemorrhage

Diagnosis & assessment of  hemorrhage

  1. History-about predisposing factors, time & mode of onset.
  2. General examination –Appearance, pulse, B.P.,respiration.
  3. Local examination –Evidence of hemorrhage-concealed, revealed, associated injuries .
  4. Investigation-
(a)For assessment of extent of bleeding-
1. Measurement of lost blood ,e.g., clot size of a clenched fist is roughly equal to 500ml.
2. Urinary output
3. CVP
4.Blood TC, DC,Hb% haematocrit , grouping &cross matching , blood urea
(b)For detection of sources of bleeding-
1.       BT,CT
2.       Radiology.
3.       Endoscopy
4.       Surgical exploration.


  1. Stoppage (control) of blood loss by-
i.   Pressure & packing
ii.  Position (elevation)& rest with sedation
iii.Operation , lightion ,repair, excision, tourniqued , cauterization(electrical, chemical)
  1. Restore blood volume by-
i.   Blood transfusion-
ii.  I/V fluid- 5%DNS ,saline
iii. Plasma, gelatin, dextrin.

Wounds : Decontamination of surface epithelium of skin is known as wound.

Types of wounds:

  1. According to  infection-
  1. Ascetic wound : One which is not infected by pathogen,
  2. Septic wound : one that is infected with pathogen.
  1. According to the type of injury-
1.Contused wound: A wound in which skin is unbroken.
2.Incised wound: One made by cutting instrument.
3.Lacerated wound: Where laceration with Massine tissue damage occurs.
4.Penetrating wound : Which pens through the skin into the underline structure usually caused by a sharp blander object.