Operational Safety and First Aid
First aid:
First aid is the subject
which includes the knowledge of what to do immediately after an accident to re-dub
sufferings and consequence of serious accident.e.g. → R………con ………of
e.g. [Resuscitation control
of bleeding]
Emergency care and
treatment of an injured or ill person before definitive medical and surgical
management can be secured.
Principle of First aid:
- Bring the affected person in normal health condition.
- Stop bleeding if hemorrhage present.
- Ensure normal respiration and circulation.
- Management of shock patient.
- Management of un- conscious patient.
- Management of burn or fracture patient.
- Management of different types of wound.
Equipment in First Aid Box:
aid box and eye wash bottle should be kept in the laboratory in an accessible
place. First aid box should be clearly identified white cross and green background.
It should be made of metal or plastic.
1. Triangular bandage.
2. Roller bandage.
3. Serial dressing.
4. Scissors.
5. Adhesive tape.
6. Antiseptic cream.
7. Antiseptic solution.
8. Safety pins.
9. Cotton wool.
10. Kidney dish.
11. Torch
12. Tourniquet
13. Blanket.
14. Upper and lower extremity splint set.
Emergency First Aid Procedure:
- Cuts, needle stick injurer.
- Electric shock
- Bleeding.
- Resuscitation
- Fainting
- Heat burns
- Chemical burns
- Poisoning