Operational Safety and First Aid
Emergency Treatment of Cut and Bleeding:
- Wash with soap and water.
- Apply pressure with a piece of cotton or wool.
- Disinfect the area with a skin antiseptic
- Cover with a water –proof dressing.
Serious Bleeding:
- Raise the injured limb to reduce the bleeding.
- Apply pressure with cotton wool .
- Bandage the dressing in position.
- Immediately seek medical assistance.
Bleeding from the Nose:
- Seat the person upright with the heat slightly forward.
- Tell the person to pinch firmly the soft part of their nose about 10 minutes and breath through their mouth.
- If the bleeding does not stop, seek medical advice.
Emergency Treatment when Someone is Electrocuted:
- Immediately turn off the electricity from the main plug or wrench the cable free.Do not touch the persons flesh with your hand.
- If the person has collapsed send immediately for medical help and if the person is not breathing, give artificial respiration,
- Cool any burns with water.
Emergency Treatment of Heat Burns:
- If clothing is a light, smooth the flames using a fine blanket,
- Remove the person from the danger area.
- Immediately plunge the burnt area into cold water to the affected part of 10 minutes,
- Cover with a dry dressing.
- Provide frequent small cold drinks.
Emergency Treatment of Chemical Burns:
Skin :
Wash immediately in running water for several minutes. Remove any contaminated
- Neutralize with a suitable chemical as follower if an acid burn, neutralize with sodium bicarbonate powder.